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Brain teaser: Make 4 numbers equal to 10 by using all 4 operators and brackets

Are you confident in your abilities when it comes to mathematics? If so, we have a challenge that will put your skills to the test. Prepare to be puzzled as we present you with a brain teaser that requires you to utilize your basic math knowledge to find the solution. While it may seem simple at first glance, once you begin to work through it, you’ll quickly realize that it’s more complex than you anticipated. Are you ready to accept this challenge?
This brain teaser was shared on Reddit by the handle called “puzzles”. This page often shares numerous kinds of brain teasers that leave people intrigued. In their latest question, you need to make four numbers equal to 10 using the four operators and brackets. The number is “9162”. (Also Read: Brain teaser challenge: Move 3 matchsticks to fix the equation in this viral puzzle)

This post was shared on April 14. Since being posted, it has gained numerous likes and comments. Many people flocked to the comments section of the post to share their answers. (Also Read: Viral brain teaser: Use your logical reasoning to solve this puzzle. You have 10 seconds)
An individual wrote, “Assuming the numbers don’t have to stay in the same order. Then: (9-1)/2+6″
A second shared, “My brain completely forgot about the order of operations for a moment, I kept getting 1 because I was solving both sides of the / separately as if it were a fraction.”
“I first went to (9-6)^2+1 , which also works, but then I realized powers weren’t allowed,” said a third.
A fourth added, “9+(1**(6+2)) Taking some programmer liberties there.”
“Took a little bit time, but I got it: (9-1)*2-6,” posted a fifth.
Were you able to solve this maths-related brain teaser? If yes, what answer did you get?
